What Have I Done by Amanda Prowse Book Review

by thesleepyreader
3 mins read
What Have I Done by Amanda Prowse Book Review

There are books we read for pure entertainment, but then there are books that we read because they speak to us emotionally. “What Have I Done” by Amanda Prowse is one such book. It is a beautifully written novel that explores the complexities of love, loss, and forgiveness. This book has touched the hearts of many readers, including myself, and it is my pleasure to share my review with all of you.

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Kathryn Brooker is the headmaster’s wife. While her husband spends his days disciplining unruly teenagers in the grand halls of Mountbriers Academy, Kathryn spends hers baking scones for her son’s cricket match in a beautiful cottage in the manicured school grounds.

In the evenings, when her husband strides home to compliment her cooking and kiss her hello – ignoring jokes from their children about grown-up lovebirds – Kathryn Brooker is the very picture of a fulfilled wife and mother. Anyone who peered through the downstairs sash window at the four figures sat easily around their scrubbed-pine kitchen table would see a happy family without a care in the world. They would envy Kathryn her perfect life.

But they would be wrong. Kathryn is trapped in a nightmare. And she is about to do something to change it. Something only a truly desperate woman would do…

About The Author

Amanda Prowse is an International Bestselling author whose twenty-eight novels, two non-fiction titles and seven novellas have been published in dozens of languages around the world. Published by Lake Union, Amanda is the most prolific writer of bestselling contemporary fiction in the UK today; her titles also consistently score the highest online review approval ratings across several genres. Her books, including the chart-topping No.1 titles ‘What Have I Done?’, ‘Perfect Daughter’, ‘My Husband’s Wife’, ‘The Girl in the Corner’ and ‘The Things I Know’ have sold millions of copies across the globe.

A popular TV and radio personality, Amanda has appeared on numerous shows where her views on family and social issues strike a chord with viewers. She also makes countless guest appearances on BBC national and independent Radio stations including LBC, Times Radio and Talk FM, where she is well known for her insightful observations and her infectious humour. Described by the Daily Mail as ‘The queen of family drama’ Amanda’s novel, ‘A Mother’s Story’ won the coveted Sainsbury’s eBook of the year Award and she has had two books selected as World Book Night titles; ‘Perfect Daughter’ in 2016 and ‘The Boy Between’ in 2022.

Amanda is a huge supporter of libraries and having become a proud ambassador for The Reading Agency, works tirelessly to promote reading, especially in disadvantaged areas. Amanda’s ambition is to create stories that keep people from turning the bedside lamp off at night, great characters that ensure you take every step with them and tales that fill your head so you can’t possibly read another book until the memory fades…

My Review

The story revolves around a woman named Kathryn Brooker (Kate), who seems to have it all—a loving husband, two beautiful children, and a successful career. But as the story unfolds, we learn that Kate’s life is far from perfect. She is haunted by a dark secret she has kept from her family and friends for years. When she can’t take anymore, her life unravels, and she is forced to confront the consequences of her actions.

This book stands out because of the raw honesty with which Amanda Prowse tells Kate’s story. She does not shy away from exploring the difficult emotions that Kate goes through, and as a reader, we cannot help but feel deeply invested in Kate’s journey. We see her struggle with guilt, shame, and self-loathing, but we also see her find the strength to confront her past and try to make amends.

The characters in this book are beautifully written, and each one feels like a real person with their own flaws and strengths. We see the impact of Kate’s actions on her children, and friends, and we see how they react to her revelations. The relationships in this book are complex and nuanced, and each one feels authentic and true.

I found Kate’s children’s reactions to her intense. They felt particularly realistic to begin with (when they were teenagers) but as they got older and became adults, I thought they may have grown up and been able to reason more. I would have liked to see more of this side of the story and to see Kate making some really great efforts to regain their trust and build a relationship instead of running away to a cliched new life.

I also disliked that Kate had such a strong sense of what her life should be like, almost as if she was owed something. Now, I don’t disagree with this on the basis that she did deserve better than her awful husband, but it is not my experience with victims of domestic violence that they would feel so empowered. Rather they tend to take a very long time to recover.

The conclusion of this book is both heartwarming and bittersweet. I don’t want to give away too much, but it left me with a sense of hope and optimism. It is a testament to Amanda Prowse’s skill as a writer that she can take such a difficult topic and craft a story that is ultimately uplifting and life-affirming.

In conclusion, “What Have I Done” by Amanda Prowse is a must-read for anyone who enjoys heartfelt, emotional stories that explore the complexities of the human experience. It is a book that will stay with you long after you have turned the last page, and it is a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always hope for redemption and forgiveness.

My previous reviews of Amanda Prowse’s work

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About This Book

TitleWhat Have I Done?
AuthorAmanda Prowse
Page Count371 Pages
GenreLiterary Fiction
PublisherHead of Zeus
Release Date1st February 2013

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