Women Like Us by Amanda Prowse Book Review

by thesleepyreader
3 mins read
Women Like Us by Amanda Prowse Book Review

Welcome to my review of Women Like Us by Amanda Prowse. If you have ever felt like you’re not good enough, whether it’s because of your appearance, career, or any other aspect of your life, this book is for you. Women Like Us is Amanda Prowse’s Memoir; unlike her usual fiction, this is about her life and experiences.

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Amanda Prowse has built a bestselling career on the lives of fictional women. Now she turns the pen on her own life.

I guess the first question to ask is, what kind of woman am I? Well, you know those women who saunter into a room, immaculately coiffed and primped from head to toe?

If you look behind her, you’ll see me.

From her childhood, where there was no blueprint for success, to building a career as a bestselling novelist against all odds, Amanda Prowse explores what it means to be a woman in a world where popularity, slimness, beauty and youth are currency―and how she overcame all of that to forge her own path to happiness.

Sometimes heartbreaking, often hilarious and always entirely relatable, Prowse details her early struggles with self-esteem and how she coped with the frustrating expectations others had of how she should live. Most poignantly, she delves into her toxic relationship with food, the hardest addiction she has ever known, and how she journeyed out the other side.

One of the most candid memoirs you’re ever likely to read, Women Like Us provides welcome insight into how it is possible―against the odds―to overcome insecurity, body consciousness and the ubiquitous imposter syndrome to find happiness and success, from a woman who’s done it all, and then some.

About The Author

Amanda Prowse is an internationally bestselling author of twenty-eight novels published in dozens of languages. Her chart-topping titles What Have I Done?Perfect DaughterMy Husband’s WifeThe Coordinates of LossThe Girl in the Corner and The Things I Know have sold millions of copies around the world.

Other novels by Amanda Prowse include A Mother’s Story, which won the coveted Sainsbury’s eBook of the Year Award. Perfect Daughter was selected as a World Book Night title in 2016 and The Boy Between a World Book Night title in 2022. She has been described by the Daily Mail as ‘the queen of family drama’.

Amanda is the most prolific writer of bestselling contemporary fiction in the UK today. Her titles consistently score the highest online review approval ratings across several genres.

A popular TV and radio personality, Amanda is well known for her insightful observations and infectious humour.

Amanda’s ambition is to create stories that keep people from turning off the bedside lamp at night, that ensure you walk every step with her great characters, and tales that fill your head so you can’t possibly read another book until the memory fades…

You can find her online at www.amandaprowse.com, on Twitter or Instagram and on Facebook.

My Review

I have been working through Amanda Prowse’s backlog of books but have read all of her more recent books and reviewed them, which I will link at the bottom. So this was a super easy choice. What brings a person to write, and where does she find her inspiration? I also love the idea of becoming an author, so it was a great start to thinking of that journey.

Women Like Us is a story of success and of hope but not without its trials, especially the first hurdle to becoming an author in the first place, the massive number of rejections from publishers (who must be cursing themselves now she has written so many books!). However, Amanda has a unique voice, warm and personable; you can easily relate to her experiences. This is not a dark tale of woe, though. The love shown by her family is immense, and her journey remarkable.

Amanda is a down to earth, ‘real’ woman who shares her struggles through life, from being an army wife to her battles with cancer (yes, two of them) and how her family coped wither son Josh’s depression. This also focuses a lot on her struggles with her weight, from being underweight, average weight and overweight and the efforts that each has bought.

While her life may be excellent and a dream in many ways, this book also shows that not everything has been so easy. She has lived through many trials and tribulations, some of which have almost broken her. Medical conditions, multiple surgeries, loss, abuse, and multiple miscarriages.

I applaud anyone who writes their own story for the whole world to read, but this one is a candid and raw review of her life. Amanda deserves an extra big hug for this one, and thank goodness that she overcame the words of the stilted teacher, who must have no dreams of her own and shouldn’t be inflicted on small children, because where would we be without the beautiful words of Amanda Prowse? If she is still around, I like to bet that she has read at least one of Amanda’s books and regrets those words and now encourages everyone to follow their dreams, whatever they might be.

I don’t want to write too much because I don’t want to ruin the book for anyone else, and I think it’s a great book that so many women will relate to so easily. I love the ‘new’ Amanda who has come out of the other side. Now, if only she would share more of her new food regime for us to follow…

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My Previous Reviews of Amanda Prowse’s Work

The Boy Between (With her son, Josiah Hartley)

An Ordinary Life

To Love and Be Loved

The Day She Came Back

A Light In The Hallway


TitleWomen Like Us
AuthorAmanda Prowse
Page Count300 Pages
PublisherLittle A
Release Date6th September 2022

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