The Boy Between by Amanda Prowse and Josiah Hartley Book Review

by thesleepyreader
3 mins read
The Boy Between by Amanda Prowse and Josiah Hartley Book Review

Welcome to my review of The Boy Between by Amanda Prowse and Josiah Hartley. This is the moving story of the incredibly talented and prolific author Amanda Prowse and her son Josiah (Josh) Hartley and their journey through depression. This is a true story of when Josh, usually a sunny, happy boy, became so low with depression that his world turned grey; he felt numb, and the only way out was suicide. This explores the effects on the sufferer, their family and those around them.

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Bestselling novelist Amanda Prowse knew how to resolve a fictional family crisis. But then her son came to her with a real one…

Josiah was nineteen with the world at his feet when things changed. Without warning, the new university student’s mental health deteriorated to the point that he planned his own death. His mother, bestselling author Amanda Prowse, found herself grappling for ways to help him, with no clear sense of where that could be found. This is the book they wish had been there for them during those dark times.

Josiah’s situation is not unusual: the statistics on student mental health are terrifying. And he was not the only one suffering; his family was also hijacked by his illness, watching him struggle and fearing the day he might succeed in taking his life.

In this book, Josiah and Amanda hope to give a voice to those who suffer, and to show them that help can be found. It is Josiah’s raw, at times bleak, sometimes humorous, but always honest account of what it is like to live with depression. It is Amanda’s heart-rending account of her pain at watching him suffer, speaking from the heart about a mother’s love for her child.

For anyone with depression and anyone who loves someone with depression, Amanda and Josiah have a clear message—you are not alone, and there is hope.

Josiah (Josh) Hartley lives in an isolated farmhouse in the West Country, but close enough to Bristol to enjoy its music scene. He is an animal lover and servant to two French Bulldogs. Equally happy at a music festival or watching rugby with his mates, he likes the outdoor life and with Devon only a short drive away often heads to the sea to surf and sit on the beach watching the sun go down. After a stint at the University of Southampton and another at the University of Bristol and one unsuccessful suicide attempt, Josh decided to write about his descent into mental illness and the depression that has held him in its grip for the past few years. The Boy Between carries the overriding message that things can and often do get better. It’s a book of reflection, raw, honest and full of hope: the proof being that Josh is still here and now excited about what comes next. He is ready to catch any opportunities that life throws his way, quite a thing for someone who only three years ago was living in a world gone grey, ready to disappear from the face of the earth…

Amanda Prowse likens her own life story to those she writes about in her books. After self-publishing her debut novel, Poppy Day, in 2011, she has gone on to author twenty-five novels and six novellas. Her books have been translated into a dozen languages and she regularly tops bestseller charts all over the world. Remaining true to her ethos, Amanda writes stories of ordinary women and their families who find their strength, courage and love tested in ways they never imagined. The most prolific female contemporary fiction writer in the UK, with a legion of loyal readers, she goes from strength to strength. Being crowned ‘queen of domestic drama’ by the Daily Mail was one of her finest moments. Amanda is a regular contributor on TV and radio but her first love is, and will always be, writing. This is her first work of non-fiction.

You can find her online at, on Twitter or Instagram and on Facebook.

This is a harrowingly honest account of Josh’s descent into depression and his journey through his issues. Amanda Prowse is a loving mother who admits to being a ‘smug mum’ all the time until Josh’s depression became apparent, alongside being sceptical of depression. Josiah (Josh) Hartley, her son, is an intelligent and likeable young man. The Boy Between switches between a chapter from each perspective, Josh’s first followed by Amanda’s, almost in response. They document how they navigated these new waters with Stepdad, Simeon and brother Ben alongside the effect of the depression on the whole family. Depression doesn’t just affect the sufferer but everything and everyone around them.

Together, they have worked hard to produce The Boy Between to help other sufferers and their families. To ensure they don’t feel as alone as they did with their journey. Since they have also been selected for World Book Night 2022, leading to several appearances talking about their book and story and helping open the conversation about depression and helping others in similar situations.

This also highlights the growing incidence of suicide in males; it’s still the leading cause of death in men under 50 in the UK and the crisis many young people face while at university, with a particular focus on Bristol University.

The dialogue begins with Amanda’s initial niggles, feeling that something is not ‘quite right’ through Josh’s decision to ‘delete himself’ with everything in between. However, it ends on a much lighter note, not with an unrealistic happily ever after, but with their ongoing worries and lives, though on a much more positive note and with open dialogue between the family.

I really admire their courage to lay their lives bare to the world, documenting their experiences to help others and ensure that they don’t feel alone. But, even if you read it for that reason alone, I think this is vital reading for anyone who has touched depression, who knows someone with it or who has children. This isn’t a disease that only affects the poor, the wealthy, those who have experienced trauma or any gender, race or culture.

This is a very engaging, well written and easy to read book. While it has a sad subject, it’s not a tragic read. Instead, it’s as much about a mother’s love for her son and her determination to help him back to the light.

The list of informational resources at the end of The Boy Between is a superb resource.

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My Previous Reviews of Amanda Prowse’s Work

An Ordinary Life

To Love and Be Loved

The Day She Came Back

A Light In The Hallway

TitleThe Boy Between
AuthorAmanda Prowse and Josiah Hartley
Page Count316 Pages
PublisherLittle A
Release Date1st November 2020

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