Our Georgia by Lynnette Williams Book Review

by thesleepyreader
3 mins read
picture shows book: Our Georgia by Robin Eveleigh on a dark surface next to white hydrangea flowers in a vase

Have you ever heard the phrase, “truth is stranger than fiction?” This phrase couldn’t ring truer than in the case of Our Georgia by Lynnette Williams. This book offers readers a glimpse into the life of a mother who lost her daughter to a senseless and preventable crime. Williams exposes the failures of the criminal justice system that allowed the perpetrator to slip through the cracks, ultimately leading to her daughter’s death. This book is an emotional and powerful read that will leave you feeling furious, heartbroken, and inspired.

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Release Day!


Georgia Williams’ murder at the hands of college pal Jamie Reynolds was a crime that shocked the nation: chillingly executed and horrific in its sexual depravity.

But when Georgia’s devastated mother, Lynnette, and father, Steve, questioned the events leading to their daughter’s death, they discovered it was also entirely preventable.

At the time of Georgia’s disappearance, Steve was – ironically – a highly-commended murder squad detective serving with West Mercia Police.

The same force, Steve and Lynnette discovered, had had Reynolds in its sights for years before Georgia’s murder, but let him slip their net.

Drawing on Steve’s inside police knowledge, the couple exposed the litany of failures that let Reynolds infiltrate their daughter’s life, and allowed him to kill.

Now, in her powerful and moving memoir, Lynnette tries to get beyond the platitudes of ‘mistakes made and lessons learned’ to effect real change, and also details the heartbreaking aftermath of a crime that should never have happened.

My Review

Our Georgia is a personal account of Lynnette Williams’ fight for justice after her daughter, Georgia Williams, was brutally murdered by a man with a long history of violence and abuse towards women. Williams takes readers on a journey through her grief and frustration as she navigates the criminal justice system, discovering loopholes and broken policies that allowed the killer to remain free and continue to harm others. The book is a true testament to Williams’ strength and resilience as she transforms her pain into a fight for change, tirelessly advocating for improving domestic violence laws and better police training.

One of the standout features of Our Georgia is how Williams highlights the failures and flaws of the criminal justice system. The book cites several instances where the police ignored crucial evidence or failed to act on leads that could have captured the killer earlier. Williams also sheds light on the rampant issue of domestic violence and the lack of resources available to victims. Her story is a stark reminder that the system is far from perfect and there is much work still to be done.

Furthermore, Williams’ writing style is both engaging and heart-wrenching. She doesn’t sugar-coat her experiences or emotions and instead presents a raw and authentic account of the tragedy. Readers will feel as though they are right there with her through each step of her journey and will have a newfound appreciation for her bravery and strength. This is made even more profound given that her husband was a serving police officer at the time of Georgia’s murder.

In conclusion, Our Georgia is not just a book about loss and tragedy; it’s a call to action. Williams’ story is a powerful message of perseverance and standing up for what’s right. Her book exposes the brokenness of our criminal justice system and shines a light on the issues of domestic violence and lack of resources for victims. Reading this book is not an easy feat, but it’s essential to fully comprehend the atrocities that occur in our society and to take action to prevent them from happening in the future. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a meaningful and inspiring read.


About This Book

TitleOur Georgia
AuthorLynnette Williams
Page Count240 Pages
PublisherMardle Books
Release Date25th May 2023

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