Killer Child: Mary Bell, A Tragic True Story by Sylvia Perrini Book Review

by thesleepyreader
3 mins read
Killer Child: Mary Bell, A Tragic True Story by Sylvia Perrini Book Review

True crime stories have always captivated my attention, and I find myself engrossed in the details of their heinous crimes. While browsing through book reviews, I stumbled upon the book Killer Child: Mary Bell – A Tragic True Story by Sylvia Perrini. I instantly knew that this was a book that I needed to add to my reading list. Mary Bell’s tragic story has been in the limelight for many years, and as I started reading the book, I realised that this true tale was not just about a gruesome crime but it also delves deep into the dynamics of childhood, family life, and the criminal justice system.

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In December 1968 Mary Bell, aged eleven, appeared before a criminal court in England, accused of murdering, Martin Brown, aged four, and Brian Howe, aged three. Mary was found guilty of manslaughter due to diminished responsibility and was sentenced to ‘detention’ for life. What would induce a young child to murder two other young children? In this short book, Sylvia Perrini, looks at Mary’s tragic life, her years in prison and life since prison.

About The Author

Sylvia Perrini is an author, historian, wife and mother to two sons and two daughters.

Sylvia, studied history and law at Manchester University and developed a particular interest in women who live outside the common boundaries of society.

Sylvia, divides her time between the New Forest, Hampshire, UK and the Mediterranean Island of Mallorca, Spain. Here she spends her time reading, writing and painting.

My Review

The book ‘Killer Child: Mary Bell – A Tragic True Story’ takes us back to the year 1968 in England, when Mary Bell, an eleven-year-old girl, committed the brutal murder of two young boys. The author, Sylvia Perrini, has written a chilling account of the events that led to the murders and the subsequent investigation and trial. Perrini has done an excellent job of presenting the chronology of events in a gripping and comprehensive manner. She has also done extensive research and interviews with the people involved, including Mary Bell herself, to give readers an in-depth understanding of the situation that led to the horrific act. This is all presented in a ‘book stop read’ which is a quick, short read.

One of the things that I appreciated about the book was how the author showcased the importance of childhood development and how it can significantly impact a child’s path in life. Perrini delves deep into Mary Bell’s early years and reveals the turbulent and chaotic environment she grew up in, with a neglectful and abusive mother and a lack of guidance. Bell’s childhood trauma was a significant factor that led to her committing the gruesome murders, and the author has done an excellent job of showing how the failure of the social and welfare system failed a vulnerable child.

The book is not heavy on graphic details of the murders but focuses more on the psychological and emotional factors involved. The author explores the reasoning behind Mary Bell’s actions and provides an interesting perspective on the possibility of how Bell’s trauma may have distorted her perception of reality, without using this as an excuse for her crimes. Perrini also provides deep insight into the legal and justice system at the time, and how it was not equipped to deal with child killers. It was an extraordinary challenge for the courts to determine whether an 11-year-old girl was capable of understanding the ramifications of her actions.

In conclusion, ‘Killer Child: Mary Bell – A Tragic True Story’ is a gripping and emotionally engaging book that thoroughly explores the life of a child offender. Sylvia Perrini has done a fantastic job of presenting the facts and events leading up to the murders, whilst also providing a deep understanding of Mary Bell’s childhood experiences. The book is both informative and engaging and provides readers with insight into the justice system of that era. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and intense true-crime read. It is undoubtedly an eye-opening and intriguing book for all true-crime enthusiasts.


About This Book

TitleKiller Child Mary Bell: A Tragic True Story
AuthorSylvia Perrini
Page Count142 Pages
GenreTrue Crime
Publisherindependently Published
Release Date20th Feb 2015

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