Depraved – Fred and Rose by C.G.C. Cooke Book Review

by thesleepyreader
3 mins read
Depraved - Fred and rose by CGC Cook book review

Are you a fan of true crime books? Or do you enjoy reading about notorious criminals who send chills down your spine? Then you’re in for a treat with C.G.C. Cooke’s ‘Depraved – Fred and Rose.’ This book is based on the true story of serial killers Fred and Rose West, who abused and murdered several young girls in their own home.

Continuing to study the case, I came across this book on Amazon, and I was intrigued by the reviews, so decided to read it.

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When the Police first knocked at 25 Cromwell Street looking for Heather West what they found there hadn’t been seen since the case of John Christie and 10 Rillington Place in 1953. The police had gone looking for Heather West’s remains because she hadn’t been seen for quite some years and some of her siblings, who were in care, had joked to social workers about Heather being ‘buried under the patio’.

What they eventually discovered was a case of abuse, rape, abduction and mass murder dating back to 1966, with bodies being found in the cellar, the garden, and at two further sites. Speculation remains as to exactly how many women and children Fred and Rose West killed, and when they first started. It is a fact that Fred had already killed before he met Rose, although Fred denied that right up until his suicide in 1995.

When he was arrested, and the first body was found in the garden of his home, he admitted to the killing but told the police that he had acted alone and that Rose had known nothing. He kept this stance on each subsequent discovery of a body, right up until Rose blanked him at a joint court appearance in July 1994. Then it was all Rose’s fault and he knew nothing about the murders.

After Fred’s suicide in 1995, the police had to shift all of their efforts in to getting the case against Rosemary to court. After all, there was no physical evidence to link her to any of the murders. The police were unable to say how the victims were killed. All they could say for certain was that they had been decapitated, had their legs disarticulated at the hips and that they all had bones that were missing. Most were discovered with masks and restraints in the graves alongside them, indicating that torture and acts of sadomasochism had taken place before the girls were killed.

The police had to prove that Rosemary West alone was responsible for killing her step-daughter Charmaine and getting the court to agree to allow ‘similar fact’ evidence to be heard in the case. Rosemary West had said very little in her police interviews and denied all knowledge of how the bodies came to be in her basement and garden. To this day she still denies murdering anybody.

In writing this book, my aim has been to give a full account of what is known to have taken place through the life of both Rosemary and Fred West. From early childhood, to love, to murder, to death, and through to the present day. I have given you, the reader, the opportunity to hear them in their own words as much as possible to allow you access to their minds. You will hear from police, family and friends of both the Wests and the victims in their own words to help you understand the pain caused by these acts.

My Review

The book takes the reader on a detailed journey of Fred and Rose West’s life, from their childhood to their horrific crimes and eventual sentencing. The writing style is clear and concise, with enough detail to give the reader an insight into the mind of the killers without being too graphic or exploitative. While some moments in the book are difficult to read, the author handles them tactfully and respectfully, avoiding gratuitous details.

One aspect that stood out to me was the author’s focus on the victims. Cooke includes their stories and backgrounds, which is often overlooked in other true crime books. This aspect made it easier for me to connect with the victims and understand the immense trauma they went through. Additionally, the author includes interviews and quotes from those who knew Fred and Rose West personally, giving readers a sense of their personalities and the dynamics of their relationship.

The book also delves into the investigation and trial, discussing the key players involved and the evidence that was presented. It sets out the timeline of events leading up to the arrests and allows readers to see how the prosecution built their case. The author also includes insights into the limitations of the law at the time and how the case led to changes in legislation to protect children better.

One of this book’s strengths is how the author puts the crimes in the context of society at the time. It’s important to remember that this case happened in the ’70s and ’80s when attitudes towards sexual abuse and domestic violence differed. The author discusses the societal factors that contributed to the crimes and how the Wests could get away with their heinous acts for so long. This is an important reminder that these crimes could happen anywhere, and we must be vigilant in protecting the vulnerable.

The main negative to note is that this could do with a really good edit in terms of spelling and grammar but I have overlooked this due to the sheer amount of research and additional information that Cooke has gone into in writing this account.

In conclusion, true crime fans must read ‘Depraved – Fred and Rose’. The author does an excellent job of telling the story of Fred and Rose West without glamourising their crimes. Instead, the focus is on the victims and their deaths’ impact on their families and society as a whole. Cooke’s writing style is engaging, and the book is well-researched, providing a comprehensive overview of this horrific case. It’s a chilling read that will stay with you long after you’ve finished the book.


About This Book

TitleDepraved – Fred and Rose
AuthorC. G. C. Cook
Page Count831 Pages
PublisherIndependently Published
Release Date31st December 2018

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